Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ashy Larry LOVE dis Ho

Take one look at the picture above, and just imagine Ashy Larry and Wendy Hoz kidz! Can you say ashy hoz? I was on the Greg Charles Show at Caroline's on Broadway last night, and brought this man to his knees! I was in the middle of singing "Fuck Me," to a man in the audience, his wife was sitting in the front row with a blue tooth on her ear, and I said "dat's right blue toof, laugh it up! shove dat blue toof up yo pussy!" I looked to the back and Donnell was full on slapping the floor. He was nice enough to purchase 3 cds after the show. I autographed one of them "Ashy Larry--Let's FUCK! XO-HO" I got word that Donnell be listenin to the cd all da time. Love me some ash!!!

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