Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dis is hot!!!!

Thanks to my good friend Pollo Del Mar also known as journalist Paul E Pratt, I landed in the SF Bay Times! Thanks, Pollo!!!! 

Gay Fave Wendy Ho Releases New Album
By Paul E. Pratt
Published: October 21, 2010
Back-to-Back SF Performances Support Comedic Singer’s Yes, I’m a Ho! 

Wendy Jo Smith has sure come a long way from the Ohio trailer park where she grew up. Trading her doublewide for the streets, the pretty blond with the big voice landed in New York nearly a decade ago where she became known as Wendy Ho. A few years later, she got straight-up gangster on her first album, The Gospel According to Ho. 
Ho’s hilarious lyrics, outrageous image and massive internet appeal of early hits “Bitch, I Stole Yo’ Purse” and “Fuck Me” – the latter an hysterical and potty-mouthed take on the Oleta Adams power-ballad “Get Here” — made her an instant favorite among LGBT fans. Equal parts skilled singer, comedic genius, White rapper and drag queen, gays werenn’t the only ones taking note! F/X Network series Nip/Tuck even hired actress Jennifer Coolidge to parody Ho during an episode!
After whetting fans’ appetites by making her remix album Number 2 available as a free download earlier this summer, the hardest working girl in Ho-business finally released her sophomore album Yes, I’m a Ho! Oct. 11. Financed largely by a campaign asking fans to contribute, she brings her act to the Bay Area this weekend to promote the outrageous 11-song set.
On Fri., Oct. 22, Ho has a 1 a.m. performance at The Endup’s Ghetto Disco. She follows it Sun, Oct. 24, when Beatfish Productions presents The Wendy Ho & Co. Show with hosts Sister Roma and Pollo Del Mar at Triple Crown. Doors open at 5; Ho takes the stage at 7pm. Tickets are $15 in advance, $25 at the door.
Before landing in the Bay Area, the hilarious entertainer – mostly in character as “Wendy Ho” – shares about recording the Yes, I’m a Ho!, her “nassiest” song to date and, of course, the gay fans who love her. 

(Bay Times) Fans financially supported the production of Yes, I’m a Ho! Tell me about that decision? 

(Ho) Well, I got sick of turnin’ tricks, gurl! And don’tchoo know that the album sales from my first album The Gospel According to Ho all goes to makin’ me look all good, waxin’ my dingleberries, and a percentage goes to curing STDs that don’t go away, like herpes. Can you believe they still ain’t gots a cure? Dat is so annoyings to me. On the real, I turned to fans to help finance Yes, I’m a Ho! when a friend of mine suggested it. I’m always on the look out for new ways to raise funds, and a presale seemed like the way to go! I mean, if they were going to buy it anyways, I figured, “Why not buys it early, and help a Ho out?”

You indicate the gay community — especially drag queens who perform your songs — are among your biggest supporters. How did that happen?
I think it happened from “Fuck Me” being passed around on the internet. Drag queens started to perform their versions of it, and it just continued to spread. Honestly, I don’t really know how it happened, but I’m so glad that did!

Is it just my perception, or have your songs — like first single “Poop Noodle” from your mix-tape Number 2  — become even dirtier?
“Poop Noodle,” is prahlies the dirtiest song I’ve ever written, but the songs didn’t purposely get dirtier. I just write what’s there. I write what I know, and what I know is nassy.  

“Tina,” your take on Beyonce’s “Halo” taken from Number 2, is a commentary on the crystal meth epidemic facing the gay community. What was your inspiration? 
It was inspired by a friend of mine who was addicted to tina, a brother of a friend of mine, and some tina heads I’ve seen before. I’ve seen some beautiful gay men turn into skinny, strung out...Well, just listen to the song. You’ll hear what I’ve seen. I was also really angry ‘cause one of them bitches took my money to buy that shit, and nobody messes with my money.

You became a breakout favorite when “Bitch, I Stole Your Purse” landed atop LOGO’s Click List Video Countdown. Will material from Yes, I Am a Ho! pop up there too? 
Oh, there’s gon’ be all sorts of surprises with this one!! Fingers are crossed!!

Have you ever received feedback from the mainstream artists whose songs you incorporate into your own — for example, Kenny Rogers for “The AIDS Gamble” or Oleta Adams, for your “Fuck Me” song, both found on The Gospel?  
Nope. No feedback, but I would hope they would be honored the way I am when I hear drag queens do my shit. 

Your vocal talent is really quite amazing. Were you auditioning for Broadway productions when you started recording as “Wendy Ho”? 
Thanks, gurrrrrl! I was living in New York, but I never really auditioned for Broadway stuff. I was in a band, and did musical theater all through college and some regional theater stuff, but I got tired of having to fit into a box. I’d rather make people fit into mines!

You’re engaged now. Does that mean you’re no longer a “Ho”? 
I still be bringin’ pleasure to the masses for cash, so I will always be a card-carryin’ ho-fessional! Trust and Believe!

You’re bringing your act to San Francisco on Oct. 24 for The Wendy Ho & Co Show at Triple Crown. Why is that exciting, and what should audiences expect? 
Well its always exciting to be in SF!  I’m gonna be singin’ some of the new songs from the mixtape and the album. As always, people should expect to walk away with wrinkled raisin face from laughin’ so hards and a sore butthole from bein’ pleasured so hard... Bring lubes!
For More Information, Visit: 

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