Monday, October 11, 2010

Yes, I'm a Ho! is HEEEEYAH!!

Happy National Coming Out Day, Y'all!!! How perfect is it that on this day, I also am releasing my second studio album, Yes, I'm a Ho! ?  It perfect becuz, although I am not a gay man or woman, I certainly do relate to the plight of my beloved gay friends and fans.  I too have had to embrace apart of myself that a lot of people have wanted me to remain silent about.  I too have been bullied, beat up, and suppressed.  Yes, I am You! And YES! I'M A HO!
The first track is, "Yes, I'm a Ho!" an affirmational tune about proclaiming and embracing that which others might gives you condemnation over! Dey is just jealous because yo condemnations causes condensations, and by condensations I mean sweat and cums!
Listen here now:
<a href="">Yes, I'm a Ho! by Wendy Ho</a>

We're streaming the entire album on Bandcamp until we get it up on iTunes! That means you can listen to every song FO FREES right now, right here:

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